Clinical Services and Information

Our professional staff provide a welcoming, caring and culturally appropriate service.
While Budja is a Medicare Bulk Billing Practice, there may still be some patient costs associated with pathology, radiology and with specialists, as well as some out-of-pocket emergency, in-patient and out-patient hospital costs. While our GP and clinic staff may be able to assist with this information, it is always best to check with the supplier of these services prior to presentation.
A GP Consultation fee also applies for all patients not registered with Medicare. Further information is available from Medical Reception.

After Hours Medical Services

For after hours urgent medical assistance please phone: 

  • Stawell Medical Advice Centre and Duty Doctor: 03 5358 1410
  • Stawell Hospital: 03 5358 8500
  • Ambulance: 000
  • GP helpline: 1800 022 222
    • Operating: 6pm—8am Monday to Friday
    • 6pm Friday—8am Saturday
    • 12 noon Saturday—8am Monday
    • 24 hours on Public Holidays
  • Nurse On Call: 1300 606 024
    Provides nursing assessment 24/7


Additional Information

Patient Information
Budja Budja is committed to protecting the confidentiality of records to all individuals and families in this community. The privacy of your information is protected by the law in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 and National Privacy Principles Dec 2001. We treat your information in the strictest confidence and store it securely.
Patient Feedback
Occasionally patients may be given a survey to complete about services provided by our clinic. These are confidential and help us to improve our service to you. Our clinic aims to resolve any concerns immediately as they arise. If you are unhappy with any aspects of the care you receive please bring it to the attention of one of our Medical staff members and we will do our best to rectify any issues. However if you feel there is a need to take issues further you may prefer to contact the: Health Services Commissioner Toll Free: 1800 136066 30th Floor, 570 Bourke Street Melbourne 3000
Home Visits
For patients who are physically unable to attend the Clinic this may be arranged. *Note: ONLY to patients who meet the eligible criteria.
We wish to advise patients that your Health Information may be used for follow up reminder/recall notices to ensure the best continuity of care.
Test Results
Patients need to make an appointment with the GP to discuss results to ensure quality of care.
Phoning the GP
A message will be taken and given to GP for follow up.
Reminder System
We offer SMS reminders to patients for their Appointments and Recalls. You may op out of this service, please advise reception.